How To Gain Free Advertising Exposure

And Let the World Know About Your Products/Services

“Most businesses use Yellow Page advertising and spend thousands of dollars. Some of us use television advertising and are amazed at the costliness of this media. Others of us use direct mail and door hangar advertising to gain clients and new business. But we seldom think about one of the oldest methods that exists…”

PR, Public Relations -or- Press Releases

Why Press Releases? Because the news media is a “News Hungry Giant”. They have pages to fill, columns to write, newspapers to fill, etc., etc. They NEVER have all the content they want or need. There are thousands of writers and editors scouring the newswires looking for newsworthy content!

Why Not Give Them What They Want?

Publishers have millions of pages to fill with even more millions of readers. Why not sit down and write a 300 to 500 word, newsworthy Press Release. It only takes about 30 minutes to an hour of your time to put your thoughts into a Word document. Then send it to Advent Digital, and we’ll take care of the rest! We can even touch-up your Press Release for you. We will submit it through America’s largest Press Release Network, and wait for the results to come in. Here is what we saw in a recent Press Release; On day one, the Press Release was read by 15,962 online readers, and picked up by 526 news agencies, groups who wanted this news. Website traffic showed an immediate increase. These good effects continue on for 3 to 5 days, and longer if your Press Release is re-published.

Here are a few places you will see your Press Release:


What are the Costs?

The Advertising via Press Releases is Free. Our fees are around $100 per Press Release. This includes the touch-up and submitting your Press Release to America’s largest Press Release Network, and reporting the statistics back to you. For a little more, we can create a “News Release” page on your website. It sure beats yellow pages or newspaper ads. If your market area is greater than local, you should consider a Press Release in your future.

Very Truly Yours,
Greg Schipper

Advent Digital

San Antonio, TX

Phone 210-493-6193


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