WordPress has so many plugins to choose from, but which are the right ones to boost your social media presence?


Developed by Elegant Themes back in 2014, it has become very popular because it can:
. Display a floating sidebar
. Customize the position of your social sharing buttons
. Create attractive, user-friendly interfaces
. Appeal to mobile as well as desktop users
. Determine when your pop-ups will appear to your visitors
. Track statistics

There is one caveat: it is $89 per year to use.


This plugin’s major advantage is that it provides an easy-to-use interface, but doesn’t slow down your site. Here’s just a handful of features:
. over 40 social networks supported
. 30 built-in templates
. built-in email subscription services
. shareable quotes in your blog posts
. 50 social network buttons, 50 templates, 28 display locations, and 25 animations
. compatibility with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads

You can also analyze and optimize your social activity using this plugin.


This is a plugin inspired by the social buttons on Mashable.com, has a freemium plan (most of its features are freemium in the first place), but the paid version does offer Google Analytics Integration, Mashshare Page Views, a Sticky ShareBar, VideoPost Popup, or Short URLs Integration.


This relatively new plugin makes your posts more attractive and easily shareable by providing:
. shareable quotes within your blog posts.
. uploading of your images directly to Pinterest.
. more than 5,000 style combinations, helping you customize your interfaces.
. shareable Twitter cards to encourage users to read the quote and share it on their social channels.
. shortcodes that let you insert the social sharing buttons wherever you need.

It is $29 yearly but there is a 45-day money-back guarantee.


These two plugins were built by Revive Social. “Revive Old Post” automatically shares your older content on your social network, whereas “Revive Network” tracks quality and relevant resources from online resources and republishes them on your social networks.

Probably the only disadvantage of these plugins is pricing: “Revive Old Posts” is between $85 and $338, while “Revive Network” costs between $55 and $450.


This plugin combines and streams social feeds from multiple platforms. It’s free for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, and then costs $36 to stream from YouTube, Tumblr, SoundCloud, Dribbble, and many more.


This plugin lets you add round, rectangular, or circular share buttons. They also can be placed above or below your site’s content, or as a floating sidebar.

The free version supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, whereas the pro version at $29 offers 11 more networks to choose from.

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