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Client Steps to Improve Search Ranking

1. The number one thing a client can do is update their site on a regular basis. Blog at least weekly. Notify us of blog postings.
It needs to seem that the customer has a reason to return to the site for new and/or updated information This can be as simple as updating office hours for up coming holidays, or current sales, staffing updates, and so on. But, best of all, post new articles (500 words or more) about your industry.

Be certain your website is Mobile Friendly. We should talk about how important this is.

Google Mobile Friendly Test

If not, your site is being penalized by Google as a non-mobile friendly website.

Google Position: Here is the announcement

For more information, you can refer this link

About Google Penalty for Non-Mobile Friendly sites:

Read More  also  And Read More

Call me to discuss how to fix this please.

2. Co-administer with us and post frequently to Facebook, Twitter and Posterous.
Post the same information that you would give to your customer if they came into your office or store. Utilize these sites in the same way you’d use the phone to interact with your customers, answer questions or direct them to information. Make sure that the links to these sites are included in ALL advertisements including business cards! As simple as this sounds, this is incredibly important. Instead of going directly to your site have everyone in your business SEARCH for the site on Google. Of course, don’t have someone do this over and over at one sitting, just simply when you need the site, search for it instead of going directly to it. When doing this search use natural words that apply to your business. Go through the pages until you find your site and click on it.

3. Write, or have written press releases / articles that relate to your market. Follow a few simple rules, and you’re ready for greater success. We will publish the articles as part of your monthly SEO plan. Our press release program is performing well, obtaining better rankings!
Clients Who Send A Monthly Press Release Rank Higher Than Customers Who Do Not.
If you write them, we’ll get them published! Also publish on your blog.
Generic Instructions on “How to write an Article for the web”
If you don’t send 2 monthly articles for us to publish, don’t complain about your ranking.
We Obtain High Results from Wide Distribution Articles:
Many achieve over 1,000 pages showing published.
Try for $2 Articles. Be sure to specify our format:
Press Releases  Article

4. If you change your website design, be certain to work ahead of time with your SEO company to preserve all indexed and ranked pages with the exact same URL. Even changing from .htm to .html can cause a page to drop from the search engine and require time to re-rank. New content management system and changing URLs always cause a major loss of ranking. Use Mod Rewrite to re-create the old URL naming to match the new CMS. If URLs must change completely, hand created 401 redirects are required, and you will want to at least redirect all the top-level pages, as well as those that you’re sure receive keyword traffic from search engines. But, ideally, every URL should remain exactly the same if at all possible.

Twitter and Google+ Are Important
Because Google+ is a Google tool and is being integrated into every Google property, to not be actively be involved in Google+ and +1?s, which are part of Google’s new placement focus, is a missed opportunity.
Twitter links and activity are indexed and shown in Google’s search results unlike those of Facebook. If you have to choose a social network to be involved within this new world, choose Twitter over Facebook!
Why is Google+ So Important?
Based on this new focus for Google, you need to start flowing through search and social activity into your Google+ and +1 bank. If you don’t have accounts, Google can’t tie the activity to you specifically.

What are Google+ and +1’s
Google+ is a social platform. It is not like Facebook but more like Facebook and Twitter combined. However, it is much more important than any of the social networks we know and use now. You could consider Google+ like a voting and popularity network but one that has the ear of Google. Anything you do on Google+ will most certainly impact your website’s organic placement and Web Visibility in the future. Google has said as much in their releases. Google has additionally stated that it will be showing social results from your Google+ network in their personalized search results.
What this means is that for people and businesses that embrace Google+ early and start building their network now, there will be strong benefits for their updates and links. This activity will be shown in your own personal and expanded network’s search/social results.

+1’s are Google’s version of votes. If you like a page, like an ad, like a blog post, like a Google+ comment, you vote it up using a +1. What is crucial to understand is that a +1 is tied to your Google+ activity. These +1 votes will impact your visibility and placement on Google in the new Google Search Plus Your World results.

Google likes content-rich authority websites that have a large number of pages and have an older established domain name.
Google likes a natural slow progression of links pointing to a website and blogging works great for growing these inbound links slowly.
Google likes social exchange through Twitter and tweets are included in Google’s search index. Google loves Google+ and Google +1 activity. In fact so much so, that there is a special section in your site’s Google Webmaster control panel where Google tracks these and even shows the search impact.
The bottom-line is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow and build organic search placement, but there are still some very smart things you can do if you follow what Google considers important.

Thanks, Greg

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