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Both pages and posts are important for SEO, but is one more important than the other?

It turns out that, according to the Yoast blog, the category archives obtain higher rankings in search engines than separate pages or posts. The post and the page are equally perceived. But when the author publishes several articles on certain subject, its category will most probably take the top rankings in search engines.

So proper organization of your site’s content is extremely important. The categories and category pages should be properly arranged so that Google could share the information contained on your site with Internet users.

It becomes more and more challenging to outwit Google nowadays. The search ranking algorithms became more intelligent. So Google doesn’t buy into SEO optimization tricks. Organic search rankings is a priority nowadays so your task it to provide information to it. Proper organization of pages and posts makes your site clear for Google. It should know what it’s all about.

Category pages can be compared with landing pages.

It may seem strange that Google prefers blog categories pages to separate pages and posts.

However, it’s really so. And there are reasons for it.

Google gives preference to user intent and find-ability. The category pages show the right direction therefore they are more important.

The administrator of the site should care about the structure of the site to achieve better usability and findability. This is a common problem for many resources. The visitor comes to the site and doesn’t know how to find the product because the structure of the website isn’t clear.

This factor plays a very important role contributing to better SEO and search rankings.

It’s also important to remember about things enhancing search results such as their titles and descriptions.

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