Changing Type Size
webpages more interesting we can vary the size, color and design of type
on the page. You must first understand what the default settings are: what
you get when you specify nothing. The default type font is usually Times
New Roman in about 12 pt. size as you would see it in your word processor.
Below are the Windows XP standard fonts:
Arial Black
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Arial Italic
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS Bold
Courier New
Courier New Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Courier New Italic
Estrangelo Edessa
Franklin Gothic Medium
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Georgia Italic
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Modern MS Sans Serif
Palatino Linotype
Palatino Linotype Bold
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
Palatino Linotype Italic
Symbol Symbol
Tahoma Bold
Times New Roman
Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Times New Roman Italic
Trebuchet MS
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Italic
Verdana Bold
Verdana Bold Italic
Verdana Italic
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | ||
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | ||
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | ||
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | ||
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | ||
Times New Roman | Times New |
is the largest type size
using that method (shown below). Because the method
produces a narrower and cleaner look, I use it exclusively for all my
Times New Roman
here is
yet one other method for controlling type fonts, size and color — the use
of style sheets. This is an advanced method for formatting webpages which
will not be treated in depth here. I will simply point out that style
sheets permit designating type size according to the standard printing
point system, where 72 pts equals one inch. We can create sizes up to two
inches in height, or 144 pts.
Style Sheets are not supported by all browsers. Netscape 4.7 will not
display the ultra-large type sizes shown below, at least not using the
style sheet method I chose. Use of style sheets, except for very simple
formatting purposes, should come after you have mastered the basics of
Here are a few examples of ultra-large type sizes, created by using
style sheets. If you make charts for eye exams, this might be for you.
(Netscape 4.7 and MSIE 3.0 do not support this feature).
Style Sheet Coding Example: P.1 {text-align:left;
font: normal 48pt; font-family: Times New Roman;}
A E B I S O N U Z 48 pt.
Z U N O S I 60 pt.
A E B I S O 72 pt.
Selecting Type Fonts
let’s look at some of the more commonly used type faces. I have a
Windows98 computer purchased in July 1999. The TrueType Fonts that came
with my word processor are the ones most people will have on their
computers. Remember, if you specify a font that someone doesn’t have,
their browser will use a default font instead. The default font is usually
Times New Roman.
Fonts are selected by coding name”> and are turned off by . Please notice that when the font
name contains a space or spaces (i.e. a two or three word name) the name
must appear within quotation marks. Arial does not require
quotation mark, but “Arial Black” and “Times New Roman” do.
You might make a practice of developing webpages in Times New Roman
(the default font) to make sure that everything fits well and that
headlines don’t wrap words onto a second line. Then, when you are
satisfied with the overall layout and appearance, change type fonts as you
wish. But do check the page to see if retains a pleasant appearance. It’s
a good idea to check all your pages in both the Netscape and Microsoft
Internet Explorer browsers.
Here’s a list of 21 type faces stored on my computer. Fonts that appear
identical to Times New Roman in the column at right are missing from the
TTF folder on your computer.
Type Style | |
Times New Roman |
Arial | Arial in |
Arial Black | Arial Black in Bold and |
Arial Narrow | Arial Narrow in Bold, Italics |
Book Antiqua | Book Antiqua, in Bold and |
Calisto MT | Calisto MT, in Bold and |
Century Gothic | Century Gothic, in Bold and |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS, in Bold and |
Copperplate Gothic Bold | Copperplate Gothic Bold |
Copperplate Gothic Light | Copperplate Gothic Light |
Courier New | Courier New, in Bold and |
Franklin Gothic Book | Franklin Gothic Book, in Bold |
Impact | Impact in Bold and |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console Bold |
Lucida Handwriting | Lucida Handwriting in |
Lucida Sans | Lucida Sans in Bold and |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode in Bold |
News Gothic MT | News Gothic MT in Bold and |
Tahoma | Tahoma in Bold and |
Tempus Sans ITC | Tempus Sans ITC in Bold and |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman in Bold and |
Verdana | Verdana in Bold and |
Selecting Font Colors
color may be selected separately or in conjunction with size
and/or face. It is best to make color selections from among the
standard 216 colors. Older web browsers and some computer systems do not
recognize many of the other available colors. Using other than standard
colors may result in an unreadable screen for some people.
In the statement at the beginning of each html file you
select the default color for all text on the webpage. This color should be
black or whatever text color will be most commonly used on the page. There
are 16 standard colors that you may specify in word form using the coding
for instance. The named text colors are:
| black | blue | magenta/fuchsia |
gray | green | lime | maroon |
navy | olive |
| red |
| teal | purple |