Is SEO Effective?

Our clients say “Organic SEO Works!”
Each client receives detailed monthly report.
That’s In Google, Yahoo, Bing
This Is The MOST Effective Advertising
You Can Too! Here’s Why…

High Search Engine Ranking for Your Keywords
If we get your business website Page One Rankings in Google, Yahoo etc. for your keyword phrases, it will always gain you more traffic. How much more traffic? Up to 10 to 20 times more traffic than your website without SEO.

More Traffic Means More Business
The average website has 300 to 400 visitors per month. However, after only 6 months of our effective SEO program, our clients often have traffic of 5,000 visitors per month and even more.


We may achieve similar results for you…


The best part about our “Top-20 Ranking Service” is that for a small, tax-deductible investment, we can often achieve Page One results for your website too!

This way you can relax, knowing your search engine marketing is in the hands of experts running on auto-pilot. This alone is worth many times the cost.

… Here’s Proof That We Offer
The Best Bargain In The Industry

Our competitors charge anywhere from $999 to $15,000 per month for their service. (The average cost now is $2,000-2,500 per month, East Coast or West Coast.)

Another Madison Avenue firm charges an outrageous $40,000 to $350,000 per month. While they do serve Fortune 500 companies, I can’t imagine where the value comes in at these rates.

We offer plans starting at $200 a month regional and is unparalleled in coverage and depth.

Our Challenge…

We challenge you to show us any and all steps taken by SEO firms charging up to 7 times what we do, that we are not providing with our service. Please take this seriously because we do! We are eager to be made aware of any effective steps that we should be providing, but are not. You may call 210-493-6193 at any time or use our online form for immediate communication.

Very Truly Yours,
Greg Schipper
Advent Digital
San Antonio, TX
Phone 210-493-6193

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