Simple Article Rules:

  1. Pick 1 keyword of your top keyword phrases to optimize for in the article. The article MUST NOT BE just about your business, but rather about your industry. Do NOT COPY someone else’s article. Only mention YOUR business in the Resource section. Do NOT COPY someone else’s article, avoid duplicate content penalty.
  2. Make that keyword phrase part of your Title. Title not to exceed 80 characters. Use no special characters or links in title. Title must NOT contain company name.
  3. Insert a four line summary between title and main message body.
  4. Message body must have at least three to four short paragraphs. No spammy content.
  5. Work that same keyword phrase 3 times into your body text. Minimum of 500 words.
  6. ONLY Include full http addresses at the bottom, i.e. -or-
  7. Include only one anchor link in the bottom resource area of the article, use keyword phrase for link
  8. No boxes, borders, images, logos or bullets.
  9. Must have FULL CONTACT DATA, with name, address, email, phone, at the bottom, which can include an anchor link
  10. Your article must be written topically. It must deliver information of the “Did You Know?” or “How To” variety
  11. Do not include “advertising” or “hard sell” language.

Article Block Composition:

Here is a near “perfect example” of an article for the web:

Story Telling Through a 3D Ultrasound


Welcoming a new baby into the family is momentous because every individual adds new depth, direction and detail to family lore. The magic of a 3D Ultrasound is that it is one more tool to help your family chronicle its unique story. Strong families are built over generations through traditions, and using the 3D Ultrasound is a modern method to ensure lasting remembrance.

Weaving a Tale with a 3D Ultrasound

Your decision to have a 3D Ultrasound is an option unique to your generation at this time in history. Compare the crisp, clear images of your 3D Ultrasound with the images your mother was given during her pregnancies and you will come up with nothing. The technology simply didn’t exist. Seeing into the womb with a 3D Ultrasound was the stuff of science fiction back when your mother carried you. That difference by itself has the makings of a beautiful piece of family history.

As children, many of us leafed through baby books that included hair clippings, hospital bracelets and baby announcements. Your child will be able to see him or herself with the amazing clarity of a 3D Ultrasound. You may choose to put your child’s 3D Ultrasound images into a; book, scrapbook, family photo album or a photo CD.

What ever you choose will become lifelong keepsakes for both you and your baby. Many mothers like to journal memories of the 3D Ultrasound next to each picture. Every grin, pucker and profile can become a story that will be retold for future generations. Imagine your child comparing your own baby pictures with those taken of him or her at the 3D Ultrasound. While the technology has clearly advanced, your child will also appreciate things that have not changed, like a mother’s love for her children and the desire to chronicle their life journey.

Updating Family History with a 3D Ultrasound

Online access has allowed for better research into family trees. And now the combination of the web with 3D Ultrasound allows for better tracking and accuracy of family history. As it is so easy to share 3D Ultrasound images online, you can share pictures with your extended family worldwide. Now different branches of the family can compile their own versions of your family story.

Family reunions, anniversaries or informal get-togethers are enhanced when you can easily send Aunt Ginny your 3D Ultrasound photo to reproduce and hand out at the event. Historically, physical distance has limited closeness. The ease of sending your new baby’s 3D Ultrasound to any one you wish helps close that gap.

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