Black Friday and Cyber Monday are very important because, for most retailers, Black Friday is one of the biggest revenue generators of the year, but it’s surprising (except perhaps to most SEOs) how many of them neglect the basics. If you fall into that category, you still have a few days to try to turn that lemon into lemonade with some very simple updates to your site.

If you search for “black friday sale near me” you will likely see a Local Pack like this:

Notice how Google calls out that these sites mention black friday sales, deals, etc.

While most retailers likely already have a Black Friday Sale page and mention it on their home page, two out of the three sites above, Macy’s and Walmart, also mention Black Friday on their store location pages. For example:

Macy’s Black Friday:

Walmart Black Friday: 

While Kohl’s shows that you don’t need the location pages to be optimized for Black Friday to rank for these queries, updating your location pages to target Black Friday & Cyber Monday queries in both the title tag and in the body copy should likely improve your chances of appearing in localized Black Friday SERPs.

Even if your site is in code freeze, you (hopefully) should be able to make these updates and maybe next week you’ll find yourself with more than just some leftover turkey…

The post It’s Not Too Late To Localize Your Black Friday SEO Strategy appeared first on Local SEO Guide.


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